Friday, February 10, 2006

Another chilled out day, sorry!

OK I didn't quite get round to doing anything hugely exciting today. It has been a really muggy day so you over heat moving around and the air is thick with an imminent storm (well if the weather forecast is right there should be one hitting any minute, lovely!)

After a nice relaxing evening at Sam and Tom's yesterday with more good food, wine and even a bit of brainstorming, I had a nice long sleep (only waking up as people got up, one of the poor guys in my room had to get up at 4am to go to work, didn't envy him that at all, was quite nice lying in bed hearing him move about knowing that I didn't have to get up in the dark).

When I finally surfaced, made it past the obstacle course to get out my bed (the Japanese guy in the bunk below me likes to spread his stuff all over the place, I am sure in an attempt to make me break my leg or something) and had a shower - I decided to head in to town. Sam had pointed out that since me and Jo are going to be camping on South Island we might want to invest in some sleep mats so that we don't wake up battered and bruised every day, so I headed back to in to town to invest in some (11NZ$ - complete bargain) as well as getting the happy couple their wedding present (decided to go off wedding list but am quietly confident that they will like what I got them).

Saw my favourite sign of the day which read "Life is too short to drink bad wine". Good point, well made. Umm wonder what that shop was selling.

Also spotted lots of Walk the line posters, what can I say, I'm sad but I love that film and a person just can't switch off! It opened here yesterday... lucky New Zealanders.

I stopped for a lovely spot of Japanese food for lunch (Sashimi and Chicken teriyaki - a winning combination in my book) before braving the hills again. I am currently refusing to get the bus but keep torturing myself by climbing up everything. I consider it practise for when I go hiking, plus I don't have access to a gym here and I really need the exercise if only to work off over indulging on food in Hong Kong.

Of course once I got to the top of the main hill, I stopped for a cold beer and a bit of a read (Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore" well worth saving for my trip, a fantastic book so far).

Nothing else really to report, and the above is pretty mellow so no thrilling news to share with you all. The forecast for tomorrow is really good though weather wise and being Saturday looks like we are all going to head to the beach. This will be my first proper beach trip of my travels (well went to beach in Hong Kong but that was more to take photos of it rather than to lie on it and turn scarlet). I have my factor 30 (what can I say, I burn easily) and am ready for a bit of sun worshipping and a swim.

Hope that all is well with everyone.. Feel free to e-mail if you want to chat. I've been very good at getting back to those of you that have checked in so far. My mum wrote me a lovely long e-mail and I know that must have taken her hours (sorry that I'm not around to type stuff for you mum)

Tatty bye for now

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