Saturday, May 23, 2009


Well so much for weekly updates, but I am getting back to blogging now and I really mean it. I had good reasons for the not blogging over the last 9 months. However, no excuses now and it will be a good place to talk about my writing. I've been writing up a storm recently and I've been loving it!

I have gone back to the novel idea I had almost 20 years ago (if you look up procrastination in the dictionary, there might be a picture of me, obviously depending on how recently you bought your dictionary). It is wonderful though as the characters have grown with me. I think I am ready to do them justice now. Mainly though, I'm writing for the sheer enjoyment of it.

Sometimes I feel stiffled by the lack of creativity in my day to day life, but surely I'm the one who is supposed to be putting it there? So here goes. I have the support of fabulous friends, a loving family and the devoted affection of my lovely cats (only 1 lives with me in Aus, but I know that Daisy & Jojo are happy with my Mum in London and I see them via Skype).

Plus living in the Lucky Country, it is amazing how anything seems possible. Maybe all the sunshine has gone to my head. Whatever it is, I like it!

Well that's my start for now. I will give updates on my writing, life, the universe and cute things Louis has done as & when they happen.

I have to go now as Louis is giving me a flirty look and I think that means that he wants me to blow a raspberry on this tummy. He's a very tolerant cat.


Brenda Mantz said...

Hi. Don't hesitate any longer to write your novel. You are the only one who can write it and the story you don't write will never be written

Steph Ressort said...

Thanks Brenda! So very true and it is great to get your encouragement.