Friday, January 13, 2006

If the wedding is anything like the hen do

Since I am going all the way to New Zealand for a wedding (and of course now to also do some serious travelling), thought that some piccies from Sam's Hen Do in France wouldn't be out of place. Plus just looking at them brings back such hilarious memories, that having them on here means I can look at them whenever I need to bring a smile to my face.

Sam, Max, Jo and Bronnie - no bitching re picture selection, you all look fab. I deliberately steered clear of all photos from too late in the evening (no air guitar, singing in to hair brushes, "cool" dance moves or complete facial disintegrating due to excessive alcohol intake pictured here... ummm... less said the better!)

Jo B and I met up last night to talk about our plans in Hong Kong and NZ, and I am just so excited about heading off! Can't wait to see Sam & Tom (hope that the Barbie is being warmed up) and I haven't seem Max & Pierre in ages so getting to travel around with them for a bit in NZ is going to be brilliant. I sense that we are going to be doing a lot of laughing. Bring on the silliness please!

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